
The staff for our Pre-Schoolers is committed to providing the highest-quality program in a welcoming, safe environment. The curriculum helps prepare children for the lifelong learning process. Activities become more enhanced as the child progresses, expanding as their minds are expanding at an astounding rate, each day!

Here we introduce letter and sound recognition as well as simple science and math concepts through games, experiments, group activities and observations. Speaking of observations, we love starting the day with classic "gather around" time, singing songs and asking our kids questions about what's going on in their worlds, encouraging communication and interaction. This also fosters a deeper understanding of the world around them, like time of day and changing of the seasons, etc., and noticing subtle changes throughout the year alongside our comforting daily routines.

Our Pre-School children all work through fine motor skills in preparation to begin writing as well as their gross motor skills through outdoor play, dance and exercise, which we highly encourage. We put an emphasis on helping children develop confidence and self-esteem through all activities. Each one our children enjoys has the goal of learning something new or strengthening a skill on which they will continue to build. 

Pre-School Program Goals

  • To provide an atmosphere where children have respect for others
  • To learn proper use of equipment and materials
  • To provide a loving and stimulating atmosphere where independence and choices are encouraged
  • To promote the gaining of self-discipline, where children understand limits and expectations
  • To provide a wide variety of activities which cooperative play is encouraged, including art, math, science, language arts, cooking, music and movement, large muscle, outdoor activities, dramatic play and manipulative activities
  • To develop active curiosity about the world around and enthusiasm for learning, stimulating exploratory behavior and creativity
  • To develop in each child an appreciation for beauty and nature
  • To provide ample opportunity for the use of large motor skills and coordination through physical active play indoors and outdoors
  • To establish and keep a clean, orderly environment for the children to grow and develop

Example of Pre-School Program Schedule

Schedules vary slightly for each location and depending on the season. We keep all parents and caregivers up-to-date through regular communications kept in a folder with your child's name on it. 

  • Pre-School Children should be Toilet Trained, but we offer assistance, encouragement and support of course!
  • Outside time is based on weather conditions, but we try to get outside for fresh air whenever possible! 

7:30 - 9:00  Free Play, Bathroom, Breakfast
9:00 - 9:30  Circle Time: Songs / Discussion of Calendar and Weather
9:30 - 10:30  Outside Play
10:30 - 11:30  Center Activities: Including Sensory, Art, Dramatic Play & Blocks or Other Toys
11:30 - 12:00  Circle Time: Stories, Exercise and Games
12:00 - 3:00  Lunch, Nap, Bathroom, Brushing Teeth / Hair
3:00 - 3:15  Snack Time
3:15 - 4:30  Center Activities: Free Color, Blocks, Dramatic Play and/or Outside Play
4:30 - 5:00  Circle Time, Bathroom
5:00 - 5:30  Quiet Activities at Tables